True Confections

Cake, cake and more cake!

Huge cake!

Checked out True Confections for dinner on Wednesday. I figured cake for dinner was a good balance to my earlier 90mins of yoga. I am still sore!

There are so many cakes to choose from and they’re huge. HUGE!

I went with a milk choc hazelnut cake although could have quite easily gone a few of the others!

It was delicious – a huge slice cost $8 and I couldn’t eat it all. I would advise to share a piece – save your pocket and your hips!

It’s times like this when I really despise being lactose intolerant – so much cream and mousse and cheesecakes.

If you’re in West End it’s in Denman and Haro – in going for the almond cake with amaretto next!

True Confections on Urbanspoon

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