My first Canada Day

My first Canada Day!

Also marks the 3week point for me in Canada and my Bro’s birthday.

I met Maeghan & Chris up town to see what all the fuss was about. The streets were closed off and strewn with red and white, young and old all celebrating their country. And a day off more likely!

We ended up staying for the fireworks at 10.30, which were stunning. A gorgeous ending followed by a chorus of the Canadian Anthem and I was fighting my way back home through the crowds.

Happy Canada Day, Eh?!20130702-005923.jpg20130702-005934.jpg20130702-005942.jpg20130702-005949.jpg20130702-005958.jpg20130702-010006.jpg20130702-010015.jpg20130702-010022.jpg


Brisbane-based lifestyle and travel blog image featuring mountain and sea scenery

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