Orakei Korako – thermal delight

Another item on my list was to see some thermal activity. Dad suggested Orakei Korako. Evidently I’ve been before however I had no recall.

A few minutes out of Taupo (or 45, if your Dad knows a ‘short cut.’ Ie totally wrong direction.) the thermal activity is rampant. You can see the steam rising all around the landscape.

For $36NZD an adult you are taken over the Waikato River in a cute boat and left to wander around the other side where all the geo-thermal activity is.

I won’t describe it much, rather load pics, mainly because I’m tired and my vocabulary is evading me this evening.

There are terraces, geysers, mud pools, hot pools, lookouts and an awesome cave.

We spent about 2 hours exploring (and working off all the food we’ve been eating) the area. It’s so, so beautiful. Lots of steps though so you’ve been warned.

The cave is awesome – huge and deep with a crystal clear pool at the bottom. Pics don’t do it justice.

After the ferry back we settled in for some coffee & sandwiches. There is the cutest dog that stays there. His name is Henry as he’s a Waimarana. He’s huge and the strangest colouring. I loved him.

Go for a visit of you get a chance!













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