COVID Clusterf%*k | The Move | Part Nine

Brisbane lifestyle & travel blog

After much consideration and some deliberation, I took the plunge and moved back to Brisbane. It definitely didn’t go how I expected.

I’m all about keeping it real, and while I generally have a very fun and happy life, I’ve really struggled moving back to Brisbane.

I miss my family. After living with them and being around them basically every day for a year, it’s super tough to be away.

I miss my friends. You just can’t beat the crew you grew up with and have such huge history with.

I hate living alone. I spent a small fortune on a giant house that echos as I walk around it. I’m not used to living in suburbia (farm or apartment living usually) or alone and it’s so different. I know my neighbor gets up to pee most nights at 4am. I know this because it sounds like he’s walking around my house, rather than his next door.

I’m immobile. Having no car in Brisbane isn’t an ideal scenario. The city is built for car drivers. I’m finding I don’t go anywhere because of it.

So all in all, it’s been tough, and I’ve struggled. I’m super thankful for the support of my friends and family. I am starting to feel better slowly as things start to fall in place.

It’s not all doom and gloom though…

I’m stoked to be back in some sunshine and warmth and with my friends. Though it is rathre odd going through all my clothes and belongings I left behind 13 months ago. An easy reminder that you don’t need anything material.

I’ve had a lovely flatmate move in and she has a dog. Yay puppy!
I have a car on order (crappy time to buy a car, thanks to COVID, anything new is all but sold out with long waits and anything used is 30-50% inflated). My furniture is slowly arriving and the house echoes less and feels more homely. I’ve started traveling again. I went to Sydney to see my wonderful new clients last week and I’m in Cairns for the long weekend.

Life’s not always a bunch of roses (I love that my phone just autocorrected that to rosès), and sometimes you have to work on it and stick at it and rely on others to help you get through.

Thanks again to anyone who has checked in on me, I really, really appreciate it.

The pic of dumplings and champagne is from the first time I visited my house. I feel like it was a dumpling and champagne christening 🙂