Terrific Noodles | Sunnybank | Brisbane

It’s been a hot minute since I visited Sunnybank Market Square in Brisbane for a bite! I even managed to forget about how crazy the parking is. Terrific Noodles has been on my list for a while, thanks to its popularity on Instagram. Slightly hungover, I decided this was a great day to indulge in … Read more

Hellenika | Breakfast | Brisbane

Hellenika | Breakfast | Brisbane I fast most days until 11ish now, however, I’d been hanging to head to Hellenika and try their breakfast since they first launched it! Fasting went straight out the window. The James Street venue has long been the go-to in Brisbane for delicious and fresh Greek dining in a gorgeous … Read more

Trans Tasman Supervised Covid RAT Test 

Trans Tasman Supervised Covid RAT Test  In order to fly Trans Tasman (between Australia and New Zealand) now, you require a negative covid test. You cannot just go and get a free PCR check or do a RAT on your own, as there is specific paperwork that you need from a medical professional to qualify … Read more

COVID Clusterf%*k | Stuck Again | Part Twelve

Naively, I kinda thought life was returning to normal-ish for me. The NZ – Australia Trans-Tasman bubble had opened and ‘green’ non-quarantine flights were aplenty between the two countries. I enjoyed two stints back and forth to NZ before ‘The Truman Show‘ series of events took place. Then Queensland was clear again so I flew … Read more

Ciao Papi | Italian time, not fare

I was really looking forward to some delicious Italian at Ciao Papi on Sunday with some fab views of the Brisbane River. The latter were abundant, but the former was not. We arrived at 2.40 – fairly late for lunch. Although there were plenty of staff, I had to signal one out to have a … Read more

COVID Clusterf%*k | The Move | Part Nine

After much consideration and some deliberation, I took the plunge and moved back to Brisbane. It definitely didn’t go how I expected. I’m all about keeping it real, and while I generally have a very fun and happy life, I’ve really struggled moving back to Brisbane. I miss my family. After living with them and … Read more

Brisbane-based lifestyle and travel blog image featuring mountain and sea scenery

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