I am getting super excited about my trip to Koh Samui!
It’s only 17 days away now, time will fly with only 7 days of work left and then a week in NZ!
I just found this amazing Yoga studio in Koh Samui, VIKASA. It looks gorgeous. An open air studio on a hill top over looking the ocean. I doubt I will ever make the 9am class (holidays are for sleeping in) but will try make the 6pm class a few times. I might even make an effort and wake up for a 9am class. With views like that it would be worth the lack of sleep!
I also looked into going to the Samui Aquarium and Tiger Zoo but have since read some bad reviews so perhaps not. The draw of holding a baby tiger is so strong though!! I love little, cute, cuddly things!!
I want to head out to the National Parks too and go snorkelling, they will be beautiful… ahhh…
I will stop there before I mumble on about all the things I want to do and where I want to go!