Buck’s night party food

Buck’s night party food

My flatmate held a Buck’s night here for his mate and boys being boys, didn’t think to organise any party food… or decorations… or anything really. Typical males!

Anyway, I didn’t think it was unfair for this guy go to into married life without experiencing some boob-like food for his bucks. Especially considering that he wasn’t even having a stripper due to his religion. Imagine my disappointment!

So I googled Buck night party food, Buck night party nibbles, a whole heap of options (I’m a fantastic googler if I do say so myself!) and was surprised at the lack of ideas. Even on Pinterest. So thought I would add in my two cents here.

Boob marshmallows

Due to lack of time (story of my life) I was looking for quick options and came up with these… marshmallow boobs and boob cookies. Both super easy.

Biscuit boobies: buy (who has time to bake these days?) a pack of flat round biscuits. Mix up (or buy if you’re lazy like me) some icing and spread over the cookies. With the remaining icing, add a drop of red food colouring to turn the mixture pink. I then used tooth picks to draw on the nipples and add some detail!

Buck night party nibbles – or should I say nipples?! Boob Cookies

Marshmallow boobs: Buy some big marshmallows and some small marshmallows. Use icing to attach little pink ones to the big white ones, arrange in pairs. Ta daaa!!!

Marshmallow boobies for Buck’s night
Buck night party ideas