A shit load of lists

A shit load of lists is what I have been inspired to do since I read ‘100 Things‘ by Sebastion Terry.

It’s a fantastic book.

I read 100 things because my beautiful cousin CJ suggested it to me and she was really motivated after reading it. She even did City to Surf in Sydney with the author. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about so I sent one to a good friend of mine as a gift and then bought it for myself. It then sat on my shelf for a few months as I was preoccupied with a hundred other things – nothing new really!

The book is written by Seb, who after the death of a close friend sat down and asked himself ‘if I was to die today, what would I change?’ He sat down and started writing a list. The book is actually one of the items on his list and documents his adventures following his heart.

I haven’t written my 100 list and I don’t intend to. I write enough lists as it is! But it is truely motivating and inspirational. He is also pretty cute haha shame he has a girlfriend…