5 days to go

What a weekend.

Went out for dinner Friday.. Next thing you know it’s 1am and we’ve had a few Tikki cocktails! Benny came back home to annoy David and they played until Ben fell asleep outside my door on the floor – yep there was the sofa or the mattress but he chose the floor. Boys are weird.

Sat I spent packing and being domesticated cleaning and making pies. Plus a haircut. My good friend and hairdresser Kylie cried when I left. Hate making people cry.

I was going to head to the Lions game but ended up staying home as it was raining as I needed a nap. Next thing I know Lisa had arrived, then Tay & Shan. Got home at 4.30am.

Did I mention I had to move Sunday? Yeah so after 4 hours sleep I was up again getting ready. Everyone arrived at 12 and it was time to get cracking! Huge thanks to Pete for pretty much doing it all for me.4pm it was all done and we were back at Kim’s. she was already down a bottle of red wine so we joined her.Sophie and Kim had arranged an awesome dinner party. Roast for the main but my fave was the entree – roasted garlic with caramelised onions on toasted olive sourdough. Nom. With 6 boys visiting there were lots of bodies to feed!I snuck off to bed at 9.30 but people kept coming in to wake me up, come 12.30am I was still awake and the girls retired to bed.Have to cull more clothes this week, I thought I had it all done but I have SO much stuff. Ggrrr

5 days to go…

Lisa stole my phone
Shan & Tay stole my phone
Last night on my balcony