So this weekend was a long weekend. I had no idea!
If I knew I would have organised something. As it was I ended up working Monday anyway.
Friday started with drinks with the work ladies, 2 jugs of sangria later I was we’ll in my way for a good night. I had Jay, Merica and Heather over for drinks then we headed out. Was supposed to be a club VIP launch night but it was just guest list. One of the girls didn’t love the vibe so we didn’t even stay for a drink we just headed straight to Cabana.
Cabana was fun as always and we danced the night away. No idea what time I got home? 3am maybe?
Saturday I went shopping, I went to Victoria’s Secret and came out with 6 items 🙂 I love that place. I bought a top and some jewellery then met Maeghan for a coffee. We ended up heading back to mine so I could give her a bday gift and I cooked her fettuccine carbonara for dinner. Talked on the phone to my parents, watched a movie with Scott chewing on lollies and suddenly it was 2am and I missed my early night in.
Sunday I slept till 11, without waking! I was happily surprised. Next thing I knew Jay was over and we were an hour late for the Veuve Cliquot brunch, which started at 2pm.
It was a ticketed event, $30pp and included welcome champagne and brunch. Parlour did an awesome job with the food and staff and CanThrill did an amazing job with the event. It was sold out, full of happy people sculling Veuve & Grey Goose from the bottle. I love events like that, 4pm felt like 1am and I had lots of fun.
We ended up going to dinner at Global for dinner, the Chefs special which was one of the best meals I’ve had in Van. Rare rib eye, lobster, prawns it was perfect. Prob could have appreciated it more if it wasn’t for my drunken state.
With the intention of going out we headed back to SKLAs for some drinks but we all became lazy and Jay and I rocked home about 12.30am.
Poor Jay had a fever come on overnight and was sick as by morning so I spent the day tending to her needs while she watched movies, the good housewife that I am. I made veggie soup, dispensed pharmaceutical drugs, got coconut water and lemons etc.
In the arvo I sat down to work until mid evening then went to bed early and read.
All in all it turned out to be a great long weekend!