Savannah, Georgia, Day one

Topdeck tour day four.

Bags to van 7.30am. Another 7 hour drive to Savannah, Gerogia. I think I slept the entire way. I’m getting pretty good at that.

In Savannah, we were staying at La Quinta. Little did we know there were a fair few of them there. We went to two before we found the right one, third time lucky. Not gonna lie, bloody average hotel in a shitty location.

We were late after driving around searching for our hotel for an hour so when we had to get changed and straight back to the van to drive to the historical district for our ‘bike’ tour.

While the vehicle is powered by pedalling it’s not exactly a bike tour. 13 of us sat around (in the still freezing cold) and bikes through the streets learning about the district. It was interesting but I was so cold I couldn’t wait for it to be over.

Diner was at the Moon River, one of the most haunted places in Savannah. Did I mention Savannah is the most haunted town in the states? Yes indeedy!

I had a lovely rare steak, no ghosts though.

Straight to the bars we went to the Tree House – awesome little bar with holy-shit-they’re-so-damn-sexy bartenders. I spent most of my night trying not to state at one in a grey top. God damn he was gorgeous. He was massive. Every time e out the bottles up above his head to pour a drink and his muscles rippled under his shirt all the females in the group nearly passed out. His boobs were probably bigger than mine, I was in love. Lust? Same, same haha.

The band stopped and a DJ jumped up and we danced for ages. Lissy, from QLD had me in tears laughing at her fantastically erratic dancing. Awesome.

Wet Willy’s is a slushy bar. Oh! Forgot to mention, you can walk around town with open beverages here – makes life so much easier! Anyway Wet Willy’s has a variety of alcoholic slushies. Very strong ones it would seem as the group slurred the rest of the evening and it started to get messy.

The Bohemian Hotel was next on Bay Road. Love, love, love this place!!!

You walk in and immediately notice the unusual and gorgeous decor. Upstairs on the Rock Roof Bar the theme continues.

I walked in and an older gentleman approached me and bowed I held out my hand, which he kissed then started waltzing and spinning me around the floor. If there’s one thing I love it is dancing. We span around for a while till (he probably was about to have a heart attack) he kissed my hand and we parted.

Awesome atmosphere with a jazz/ alternative live band. They were great and had a few people up dancing.

I met a guy at the bar who had just moved over and started his own law firm. He was really interesting to speak to and I filled him in on the group dynamics – by then we had two additional males following their leading ladies. Watching people is one of my favourite pastimes. And I was sober – this can mean it’s either boring and annoying or highly interesting and amusing. It was a night of the latter and I had a great sober party of my own!

Somehow we managed to find our way to a bar with a mechanical bull. Hilarity ensued with everyone getting thrown off. It was a real country bar. I’ve never been to a full blown country bar before and it was so much fun! The band was great, the singer was gorgeous, everyone country dancing and wearing cowboy hats. Mmm men in plaid shirts with cowboy hats an boots, sold!

The cab ride home was hilarious. Far too many of us for the van and everyone was smashed. Daniel thought we were in Sydney and was giving local directions to what I can only presume was his house after announcing if we stopped at Cold Rock (Aussie ice cream parlour) he’d buy us all something. He then couldn’t work out why he couldn’t get Internet on his phone (global roaming) and freaked out that our tour guide was next to him – ‘who’s driving the van?!’ Not realising it was of course, the cabbie.

Evan couldn’t work out where his cowboy hat had gone and upon realising he gave it back to its owner collapse into a sad heap and sulked back to the hotel. Someone needs to buy him a cowboy hat for Christmas.

Lizzy thought I was Lissy and hadn’t realised it was me sitting next to her for about 10 mins. Sean was trying to direct the driver back into town to a club and Christina was asleep – good times!














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