Washington Day Two

Day two on Topdeck Tour.

We woke up and headed into the museum area. Incredibly all the museums are free. Can’t remember the guy’s name but he insured that they would be free forever to spread knowledge throughout. What an awesome legacy.

I started at the Museum of Natural History. Reason being it was still so bloody cold and it was the closest one!

Basically it goes through the evolution of the earth and mankind. My fave areas were the dinosaurs – no matter how old I am I still love em’! Then the gems and crystals area and the bugs! I even had the opportunity to hold a giant butterfly and a massive.. Well it was a cockroach but it was a special one, I swear.

Outside a protest was occurring, hundreds if not thousands of people gathered on the snow protesting what I assumed by abortion. I was actually shocked at the amount of children there carrying signs. I didn’t feel like it was appropriate for them to participate?

The museum I most wanted to visit was next – the Air and Space Museum. Very cool.

Loved the space section – you can see all different parts of the rocket ship, watch take off, see what they ate, go in their quarters, I found it fascinating.

Air section was also great, aeroplanes from waaay back, from the war etc. planes are everywhere, suspended from the roof, on the floor for you to tour, there’s so much to learn. For instance, I learnt I couldn’t be a 1960’s air hostess – I’m too old.

You can easily spend a lot of time in these museums, I would have gone to all of them given the time.

Did a drive by to see the president, checked out the White House then back to the hotel and to P street (yep they use letters of the alphabet as street names) for a salad & soy chai latte at Whole Foods.

Dinner was in Georgetown at Bandolero’s. I wanted the ceviche but they’d run out so I ended up with tuna ahi tacos and shared taco’s & guacamole. Mmmm guacamole.

We went out however it was a weeknight & there was nobody around. Checked out Madam Organs – cool music and bar but the staff were grumpy so we left for Shenanigans – an empty Irish bar. The 13 of us livened it up. One with an admittance of a rope fetish – she loves to be tied up. Nobody else was willing to share their fantasies so early in the trip so it ended up pretty funny and has been an ongoing joke ever since!
















