What’s happening?!

Sooo a few thing have happened of late, hence my absence.

Firstly, I got a new job! Yay me! After looking for months it’s easily the one I wanted the most and I think suits me the most. Super excited to start on Monday.

Secondly, new job is in Brisbane – so I’m moving! Four days notice to move interstate is not easy. My luggage was supposed to be picked up on Monday and seeing as tomorrow is Thursday, I’m not holding my breath for a swift arrival.

Thirdly, yes four days! Seeing as I had a trip booked to go to the Justin Timberlake concert with my brothers in Auckland I decided to extend my trip and see my family in NZ before I start working full time again and have limited leave available.

Fourth, I’m in NZ. You may have gathered that from above but I’m at home and making the most of being with my family instead of telling you lot about my life. This leads me to why I’m blogging at nearly 1am in bed..

Further explanations to come soon 🙂


