Vancouver, Day 3

I was up early and ready for Yvette to pick me up for our road trip to Harisson Hot Springs except, Yvette, true to character was late. 

We went by a Farmers Market so I could investigate for work then Yvette’s so she could pack while I made a caprese salad then we hit the road! 

Yvette’s car is a convertible so with the wind in our hair we caught up and sang the 2 hours there. 

Check in was ridiculous even at 12pm for ‘pre check in’ at Harrison Hot Springs Resort. We waited about half an hour and because I was hangry and I knew Carso was waiting to have lunch with us, it wasn’t particully pleasant. Surely the hotel can predict when they need additional help at the front desk? I’m a customer service nazi. 

Finally I went to find Carso and we did a slow mo run into each other’s arms as we haven’t seen each other since I left. She had her friend, Ezza staying with her and we walked off in search of lunch.

We stopped at a German joint which was pretty average. Our waiter was… I actually don’t know what he was. Slow? Priorly occupied? In a constant day dream? Unaware of everything? 

It was great to catch up with everyone though and enjoy some sangria! 

Back at the hotel we could finally get up to our room. We changed, went for a swim in the natural hot springs, and got ready for dinner with some sunset pics on the balcony thrown in for good measure. 

Dinner was ‘included’ as part of our girls weekend away package. We had a fresh seafood platter with halibut, salmon, scallops and risotto. 

Dinner was wonderful, not because of the bottle of wine I drank but because of the live band to which all the older guests danced to. I love the way they dance, they were all very sweet and intimate. Inspired me to take more dance lessons – watch this space. 

Bear selfies on the way home! 

Ps. You might notice the smog, this is due to all the BC fires this year.