Certainly Curious At Curious Affection, GOMA Brisbane

This is a very different exhibition. Not in a bad way. The title gives away the most; Curious Affection. You become very curious while looking at the different pieces, it’s difficult not to. It’s unlike anything you’ve seen or possibly imagined before. The exhibition is by Patrica Piccinini, and occupies the entire ground floor of GOMA. At first I was quite disturbed almost, I’m not sure that is the right word. Perhaps confused. Eventually a sense of affection develops… its hard to describe but you can imagine the lives of these creatures and the artist has done an incredible job to showcase their feelings with relatable qualities.

The GOMA website describes the artist as ‘Known for her imaginative, yet strangely familiar, lifelike hybrid creatures, Piccinini invites us to think about our place in a world where advances in biotechnology and digital technologies are challenging the boundaries of humanity.’

Although fantasy, the pieces have human and animal-like features blended to create these creatures that people connect to. The scenes are often primal, spruiking raw emotion from the viewer. A mother feeding children, protecting an infant. Often vulnerable.

I can’t describe this exhibition well enough to do justice so instead, I encourage you to go visit. Go with an open mind and be curious.

Curious Affection is on at GOMA until 5th August.

Would love to know what you thought if you have been! Leave a comment below.