COVID-19 Clusterf%*k Part Six

Here’s my personal recount of my experience during COVID-19. I write this so I can look back on it in the future and think wow, that sh*t was cray. I am so, so pleased it never happened again.

It’s been a while since the last update!

Sh*t’s been cray and we fell into a regular pattern of life with minimal COVID-related interruptions over the past few months. Life returned to an easy way of living without too much cause for concern.

Where possible, I’ve traveled domestically around NZ. I’ve been down to Dunedin a few times, Christchurch, Taupo, Omori, Martinborough, and Auckland for weekends away with family or girlfriends and to explore NZ while I’m still here.

My business has been very busy. It’s grown substantially and evolved in many ways. I’m very grateful to have an awesome team of subcontractors who work hard with me to provide a fab experience and service for my clients. My life is mainly consumed with work.

I bought a house in Brisbane in Nov / Dec. What a clusterf%^k that was on its own. I’ll write another blog about that. Long story short – buying a house when in another country is not easy. It’s sitting there empty until I get back, prob at the end of March, although possibly at the start of April. Which is also when my furniture arrives!

I quit my part-time gig at Wiley after more than six years. I loved working with them and in the food/construction industry. I had planned to do fewer days with them this year, but not to quit. Best laid plans always to astray though, and I resigned on the first day back after the Christmas holiday break. I’m currently contracting back one day a week to them to help with the transition to a new marketing manager.

I also picked up an awesome new client. I loved working in IT / Tech previously, so when the opportunity presented itself to contract to ASE IT, I was all in! Weirdly, I have not met them and won’t be able to until I get back to Oz and can safely visit NSW and return back to QLD.

It has been wonderful spending time with my family and friends who I usually see 4x per year during fleeting visits. I haven’t spent this much time in the country for over 13 years and while it wasn’t my ideal scenario when it happened, I am so, so grateful it did.

I’m currently due to fly back to Aus on March 24th. I have such mixed feelings to leave. I’m devastated and heartbroken to leave my family and friends again. But I’m also super excited to be going back to Brisbane where my life has been for so long and to see my new house!
Being torn between countries is never a nice experience and I will never again take for granted the ability we had to travel the world so freely and be home within 24hours (give or take) if need be.

PS. How cute are the puppies?! Rocky and Indie continue to entertain me – they’re absolutely crazy and I love them.