Komi Sushi Vancouver

I went to Yomo as it was right under the building I was temping in and had nice outdoor seating.

When I walked in they tried to make me sit inside however I asked for outside which they eventually and grudgingly obliged to.

I ordered a sushi and teriyaki plate with salad and miso. It was cheap at $9. Tasted average, nothing to rave about.

I had to ask three different servers for a glass of water and they all looked at me like I was a hassle.

I wanted an unopened can of coke to take back to work which seemed to be the biggest task possible. First guy didn’t understand and the next guy was able to grab it for me.

Hard to get the attention of a server to get the bill… I wouldn’t go back. Cheap and convenient or not.


Komi Sushi on Urbanspoon

Three Brits Public House, West End

With such a fantastic location and a busy venue, I expected more.

Service was slow, I actually enquired as to whether they had forgotten our meals.

I chose the cocktail the waitress recommended and was highly disappointed. It looked cute but tasted like off cider.

I ordered the special salad of the day – trout with asparagus and greens. There was barely a fillet of trout, just three little morsels and the dressing was over bearing.

Shame, but perhaps I caught them on an off day.



Three Brits Public House on Urbanspoon

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