Fishy Days

Putting my aquarium membership (yep I’m THAT girl) to good use on the weekend, I headed to Stanley Park and spent a few hours staring at the fish.

I won’t bore you with details, but I love them. My faves are the tropical ones, the beluga, the jellies and the weird eel things that hide from the other fish!

Ps. That’s not me in the dolphin outfit, that’s my crazy friend Carso.
PPs. I also liked the frogs.

















9 thoughts on “Fishy Days”

    • It sure is – I get confused with otters and beavers so I actually had to google image to check! He was having the time of his life just relaxing. Was doing the same thing last time I was there too! Have you been there?

      • Nope, but it’s on the Vancouver to do list when I get back. I’ve heard it’s a pretty impressive place – I didn’t know you could get a pass! 🙂 I have seen signs for it the couple of times I walked through the park, but can’t think exactly where it is…

        • It’s right at the main entrance but in further.. Great description I know. So you’re back in NZ now but coming back again next year? Yeah it’s the cost of 2visits so for me it’s worth it. Then you get 25% off food too and a free friend pass lol- I sound like such a nerd

          • haha. a fish nerd! I love it! I think if you love looking at fish that much, and you don’t want a fish tank of your own, then why not buy a pass to the aquarium?! There’s a place in Queenstown, under the jetty down at the waterfront, where you can go “underground” and see the ducks diving in and out of the water. I was pretty impressed with that so I can see the appeal!

          • I usually have a tank – everywhere I have lived I buy fish. And when I leave, my roomies end up buying fish too 🙂
            But I haven’t felt settled enough in my house here to buy any yet. It’s def on my list though! Fish & some spirally bamboo!

  1. Amazing! I want to have a huge tropical auarium one day. I have to make do with Siamese Fighting fish for now though. Ps. your friend is adorable. You need a dolphin costume too

    • Adorable, crazy, one in the same! Funny thing is she gets my blog to her email so she’ll read this and I’ll hear about it tomorrow!
      Yeah I always have them, tropical are soo much cleaner than cold water. I’d love salt water but too much effort.
      If you do want a bigger tank, Kmart have cheap awesome ones with a filter, light etc. makes life easy!


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