It’s no Stanley Park

But it’s still beautiful.

Now that I live in Yaletown I’ve got a new running route. Still along the seawall but not as much chance of spotting a random animal, like a skunk, squirrel or a raccoon. There is however, a new breed of people watching. Women with perfect work out gear and matching dogs, men who have dogs just to pick up women. Still just as fun to observe.

This day was pretty gloomy but it wasn’t raining and that’s a step up for this city.

My favourite part of running is seeing the things you otherwise wouldn’t see.












Fishy Days

Putting my aquarium membership (yep I’m THAT girl) to good use on the weekend, I headed to Stanley Park and spent a few hours staring at the fish.

I won’t bore you with details, but I love them. My faves are the tropical ones, the beluga, the jellies and the weird eel things that hide from the other fish!

Ps. That’s not me in the dolphin outfit, that’s my crazy friend Carso.
PPs. I also liked the frogs.

















An afternoon ‘run’

I just LOVE running around Stanley Park.

And by running, I mean attempting to run.

I don’t really know how you see. I’ve never played sports or ran for fun so I find it quite difficult. I tend to sprint – one I’m pretty fast and two I’m impatient so want to get there faster. Either way I’m out of breath pretty fast – thanks to asthma which has risen it’s annoying little head since I’ve moved here.

Anyway the other thing I find hard is concentrating on running. I’m running then next thing I’m taking a picture. Or I’m tweeting. Or instagramming said picture. Or sending said picture to my friends to show how beautiful it is. I work in digital marketing so capturing moments and beauty is second nature to me, I don’t even realise I’ve done it.

Today I managed to ‘run’ for an hour, I was pretty pleased with that. I also managed to capture lots of the stunning scenery in Stanley Park. It’s just so beautiful in there. I always forget how nice it is and take living next to it for granted.

So without further adieu, my ‘run’ in pictures…











Update, Canada living

Well I thought it’s well about time I gave an update on my life and not just about where I eat!

I’ve settled into Vancouver, living right on Stanley Park on the 18th floor. I have ridiculous views of the park and out across second beach and English Bay. I have the cutest little Chinese flat mate, Amanda. She cracks me up everyday with her funny words (still learning English) and the funny things she does. Like coming out looking like a monster a few times a week when she wears this crazy paper face mask! Lose my shit every time!

Last week I got a job! Whoooop yay me! I was actually starting to make contingency plans for if I didn’t get a role. I was potentially ooking at leaving for NZ but all at once I had a huge amount of calls for interviews and I found a job I really wanted. Next day it was mine! So I’m now the Account Co-ordinator – Social Media at Mediatonic PR. It’s a lifestyle and boutique agency, different to anything I’ve done before but I hope to learn a lot, especially in PR. They’re a lot heavier on the strategy side than I’m used to and I hate tracking every minute of my day but I love that I get to go to Kelowna for the Centre of Gravity Festival next week and all to the other great events I get to be involved in.

I have some great friends and I actually had to buy a diary to keep up with my social engagements! I hate being bored so I’m constantly on the go meeting people for dinner, lunch, walks, drinks, shopping etc. Hilariously they’re almost all Aussies – I can’t get away from the buggers!

Anyway gotta run, off to another dinner date.




Outdoor Cinema – Embracing Summer

I love how Vancouver does Summer. They really embrace it and utilise their outdoor spaces. I presume it’s coz it doesn’t last long but I don’t want to think about that.

Another cool event, literally right on my doorstep, is the Stanley Park outdoor cinema nights.

Tons of people go (it’s free) with their blankets and picnics. They play cards and chat until the sun goes down and at around 9.30 the movie begins.

I love the sense of community it creates – thousands of people congregating in the park on a weekday to watch an old movie.

You won’t go hungry – there are food trucks and promo give aways for miles. From flavoured corn to burgers and donuts it’s definitely worth having your dinner there. If you don’t mind lines.

I love that everyone claps and whistles at kissing scenes and really gets involved. Best place to people watch!

I’ll be back down there for Dirty Dancing in a few weeks!




A lazy Saturday in Vancouver

Saturday morning started with breakfast in the Olympic Village and tie shopping for Billy.

Once I was dropped home I scooted over to Carso’s for a catch up and a big walk.

We power walked around Stanley Park for about an hour, getting lost in the Forrest but eventually finding ourselves in Lovers Lane and making the trek back to second beach.

Back along the water front on English Bay, we found a Crepe & Lemonade Food Truck – just what I was craving! Carso and I shared a nutella strawberry crepe with a fresh lemonade. Delicious. I love that there are food trucks all over downtown Vancouver. I’ll have to head to the food Carr fest that’s on at the moment.

Carso and I were going to head out but seeing as she had been ill all week we decided it was probably best she didn’t consume copious alcoholic beverages.

I retired home to chat to my Dad, Blom, Lauren and some others from home. Great to finally have a catch up, between time zones there’s not always convenient time to chat.

I am looking forward to checking out some more Vancouver nightlife soon, I haven’t experienced much at all. It seems to be quite a different scene to what I’m used to. There’s either pubs or clubs. Nothing in between where you can go for a boogie and a chat. Just means I have to keep searching I guess!








Brisbane-based lifestyle and travel blog image featuring mountain and sea scenery

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