Seattle Roadie Day 4

I had crazy dreams. Woke up groggy. I hate spiders. There was a fricken gigantic spider on my hand in my dream. Yuck!!

Anyway we headed to Northgate Mall to look for some boots for the girls. I ended up with 2 pairs of boots too. Oops!!! BUT I do need them for winter here. Totally justifiable. 4 days, 4 pairs of shoes. That’s a good holiday.

Next up? We tried to find a store but ended up lost. Found a cute seaside town though so had a pic there, gave up on the store and went in search of Walmart. Which we actually did find! Yay!

I bought some confectionary for my twitter pal @smayjay and a fish tank for me. I’m pretty damn excited about my fish tank!! I haven’t had one for three months. That is three months too long.

Now we are almost back at the border where we will get grilled about what we did and how much shopping was done. Swear I only spent $200 officer. Please don’t tax my items!

Turns out the border guy had a big Samoan tattoo on his arm so I was able to charm him and he let us through no sweat!





Seattle Roadie Day 3

Fave day so far!

We didn’t leave the hotel until 11am after our disastrous night out. I wanted a bagel so starbucks was first up. Then we went straight to the Chihuly Garden and Glass exhibition at the Seattle Center. It was so incredible and I took a ridiculous amount of photos so it’s going to have its own post! If you get the chance, go. I loved it.

We had heard the Freemont Markets were worth a look so we made out way out there. What a gorgeous little place. If I lived in Seattle I would frequent there and Kirkland regularly.

Freemont markets are just your usual community markets full of crap as treasure. Turned out Macklemore’s Thrift Shop song was filmed there. Best part for me though was the food! Who’s surprised?!

I had a soft, plump, fresh naan with chicken tikka and man it was good!! Only$7 too! I’d def get it again. I followed it up with a chocolate cherry gluten free cookie – melted in my mouth and gave me a sugar high. After seeing me enjoy it so much the girls all went and got one too! I’m a good little influencer.

Now when one has time to kill, what should one do? To the pub! An Australian & Kiwi pub nonetheless! We headed to the Kangaroo and Kiwi pub in Ballard. Tahlia had friends who worked there and we ran into the owner on the walk there. We played UNO and drank cider in the sun.

We had a 7pm booking for the Seattle Space Needle – basically just a lookout on the 52nd floor. We got a combo deal for $27 for both the needle and the glass museum. Lookout was pretty cool – just another city, another view though really. Guess I’ve seen a few now!

We enjoyed a beverage on the deck watching the sunset then headed back down and over to Kirkland. Except we never made it there. We got lost. Surprise!

But that’s when we found the Cheesecake Factory so happy days!
I wrote a separate blog about dinner too, I love that place! Great food, venue and service at a low price. Perfect.

Last night at the hotel before checking out. Early night in. Couldn’t wait to wash my hair!















Cheesecake Factory – Seattle

Convinced the girls to head to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner as none of them had actually eaten there before! Disgraceful!

I love the Cheesecake Factory! I was in need of something fresh and rather plain and with its massive selection and pretty surroundings it hit the spot!

Went with two small plates as I like a variety.
– Tuna Tatare – amazing. Raw tuna with avo, a sesame soy dressing and wonton crisps. Just what I wanted!
– Beet & goat cheese salad – pecans with rocket (arugula is what they call it here) with beets, apple and feta mmmm.

Perfect serving sizes and a lovely evening with the girls. A pleasure as always!



Cheesecake Factory on Urbanspoon

Brisbane-based lifestyle and travel blog image featuring mountain and sea scenery

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