Apartment lessons

Living in my current apartment has made me realise a few things. It’s especially made me realise what I miss. Nothing like coming home at 2am excited for reheated pizza or dinner only to realise you don’t have a microwave!

Here’s the top wish list for my next apartment:

  • A patio/ balcony – I love indoor outdoor flow & somewhere I can escape to talk on the phone or just watch life pass by.
  • A couch I can lie on and relax. Also where I can entertain guests. Not that I do any funky couch acts but currently mine is so small it’s awkward to even have a two person convo.
  • A TV – I don’t really watch TV so this came as a surprise to me. I guess I just like the noise?
  • A microwave. Essential in a freezing winter that I’m about to experience. Also when I’m hungover, reheating something in a pot or pan is far too complicated.
  • A pet – okay that’s just a wishful item! I’d love a dog or a cat (that doesn’t smell) to play with, minus the responsibility.
  • And last but not least, an awesome housemate or two! I love company and being around others. Plus I need someone to laugh at my lame jokes.


Brisbane-based lifestyle and travel blog image featuring mountain and sea scenery

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