Indulge Cafe, Bundaberg

We heard rumours that this was the best cafe in Queensland from an experienced travel writer – we had to check it out! 

It doesn’t open until 8.30, we were hanging for our coffees after waiting out the front for the cafe to open. 

That aside, the menu looks phenomenal and I could quite happily make my way right through the entire thing! 

Modern and intricate decor, beautiful and fresh pastries on the counter. We chose the window bar to people watch.

Almond chai latte – on point.

Could hardly make my mind up on which breakfast item, finally settling on the W.A. black Truffle scrambled eggs on sour dough with rich tomato ragu, crispy local bacon and pecorino. At $20 I thought it was very reasonable. 

The meal didn’t take long to come out and was delightful! You could smell and taste the truffle, the ragu was rich and the bacon cooked perfectly. 

Brandon went with the Turkish eggs, they looked beautiful and apparently tasted great too! 

Can’t wait to go back again soon!

Indulge Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Bargara for the weekend

I try and get over to Baragra about every 6 months or so to see my good friend Benny and his girlfriend, Jo. 

Lucky for me, we have a project on in Bundaberg so I was coming for work anyway and was able to extend my flights. 

I had a big night on the Friday and was feeling a little worse for wear when I woke up Saturday morning. I still had to pack and leave for the airport by 10.30 and life was tough. 

I made it to the airport and fulfilled Ben’s request of a Nutella doughnut (or three) from Doughnut Time for Jo… Except they had no bags. So suddenly, my usually easily transportable luggage became hilariously uncoordinated. 

Imagine this: a big box of doughnuts that needs to be kept horizontal, a carry on suitcase and my handbag. That was doable. But then I had to have my phone out to show my boarding pass and we were in the tiny plane. Tiny plane means gate 50 from Virgin and stairs to the Tarmac, a walk to the plane then up the plane stairs. I looked ridiculous. But I know what you’re all thinking… Were the doughnuts okay?! I’m pleased to report I got them to Bargara safe and sound. They even had their own seat on the plane. Safe little Nutella goodness. 

I slept the whole way, occasionally waking for a sip of water to quench my extreme hungover dehydration. The propellor was right out my window and I was infatuated with it for about two minutes before I crashed out. 

Benny picked me up in Bargara and we went straight to my fave seafood spot for a big seafood platter and a beer. Well Benny had a beer. I had a gingerale (Bundaberg in Bundaberg) and attempted a cider. The sun was shining, the river gleaming and the seafood was phenomenal – happy days! 

We went back to the house and I met Jo and Ben’s baby, (dog) Bentley, who had just had the snip and was feeling quite sorry for himself. 

Benny and I chilled for the arvo, dropped Jo at some drinks, ate dumplings, watched Finding Nemo and Men in Black – happy days. I fell asleep on the couch and Ben was left on his own to go back and pick up Jo. 

Today we went for a beautiful breakfast, checked out the mall and hopefully now go to a beach before the dinner party Jo and Ben have arranged. Jo is already cooking up a storm (hello there pork belly, my old friend) in the kitchen. 

Windmill at Bargara 

I chose the most unique breakfast menu item, the smashed pumpkin with poached eggs, mushrooms, macadamia crunch and feta.  

It wasn’t quite what I expected (I’d half thought it would come on bread like an avo smash), but it was delicious. 

The feta and eggs are a great break to the strong and sweet flavours of the pumpkin and macadamia crunch. 

The macadamia crunch is very sweet, I’d go for a juice instead of an almond chai latte which was my choice. 

Benny and Jo both had the breakfast stack and were impressed. 

I want to go back and try the gelato! 

Windmill at Bargara Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Bundy Buddies

Happy Birthday to me! Used my Velocity points to buy return flights to Bundaberg to visit my best mate Benny in Bargara for a long weekend. 

I flew over on a Thursday where I promptly landed and had to go into a two hour Skype meeting for work that evening. Checked out Ben’s beautiful new pad and got a good sleep in. 

I worked from Ben’s office Fri, pretended to be the receptionist to the odd visitor – it was quite fun. Bargara is a tiny town where everyone knows everyone and everyone was very confused at my presence.

I went to Ben’s Christmas party he hosted for clients and we then went to his flat mate’s Christmas party in Bundaberg which turned into maccas at 3am and the lovely Jo driving us all home. I’m sure we were annoying as hell in our joyous states. I rarely sing, but when I do, I’m drunk. Good luck to you and I hope you have earphones. 

Saturday Benny and I went for a beautiful seafood lunch (it’s so cheap!! Love being by the ocean) at Gruntsky’s and met Jo for dinner with some other friends. I had a friend in from Sydney and we went out for drinks. 

Sunday brunch and a beach walk then it was time to say goodbye to Benny & Jo and catch the tiny plane back to Brisbane.






Brisbane-based lifestyle and travel blog image featuring mountain and sea scenery

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